Policies, Statistics and Reports
Information, guidelines and historical reports for enrolment and registrarial services.
Exam Policies
An examination clash is defined as multiple examinations that are scheduled on the same day and at the same time, or where the allotted times for scheduled formal examinations overlap. .
Any student scheduled with an examination clash should immediately contact their professor(s) to determine if an alternate writing time is available.
Senate Policy 0-125.2: Term and Formal Examination Scheduling
An examination hardship is defined as three (3) or more examinations scheduled within a 27-hour (inclusive) period.
The student must notify the instructor of the second examination no later than one month prior to the examination date for courses in the Winter Session, or no later than two weeks prior to the examination date for courses in the Summer Session. A student facing an examination hardship shall be given a new examination date for the second examination causing hardship by the respective instructor or department/faculty.
Religious observance may preclude attending classes or examinations at certain times. In accordance with the UBC Policy on Religious Holidays, (see Policy J-136) students who wish to have their exams accommodated for religious reasons must notify their instructors in writing at least two weeks in advance of the exam, and preferably earlier. For more information, see the Academic Concession section of the Calendar.
Students are required to give two weeks’ notice of their intention to absent themselves under the terms of the University policy on religious holidays. They shall notify the instructor of each course or, where this cannot be done, the head or director of the unit concerned.
You can find the Senate policy on examinations, including information on supplemental and deferred exams, under Academic Assessment in the Policies and Regulations chapter of the UBC Academic Calendar.
Academic concessions are granted only by the dean or director (or their delegate) and are a privilege, not a right. If you request an academic concession, you may be asked to provide additional information. For more information, see the Academic Concession section of the Calendar.